This author thinks it’s better to have a white man than Jesus. Nazarre Hines-Starr is a pharmacist and author who, after a long string of relationships she calls “The Scumbag Files,” finally found love in a Jewish man and has some advice for Black women: forget about Black men and “take a dip in the snow.”
In her new memoir, Hines-Starr chronicles the events that led her to join the interracial dating website,, where she met Michael, the professional, never-married Jewish man she eventually married. She points out the many areas where she feels African-American/non-Jewish men fall short and Jews excel. Among other traits, she says Jewish men are open wide instead of down low; they are NOT looking for someone to take care of them; Jewish men attend and graduate from college; they at least attempt to marry before making babies; they are great with financial planning and stability; Jewish males don’t take everything as a challenge to their masculinity.” No word yet on where Shyne falls on these points.
Hines-Starr does back her bitter theories and broad generalizations with some startling statistics:
“According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 1.8 million more black women than black men in 2000, and that number has not improved since then. That means that if every black man in America married a black woman today, many women hoping to marry a black man would not make it down the aisle.”
Hines-Starr may be jaded and harbor some self-hatred, but with the way stats are stacked, it only makes sense for Black women to be open to other races. But is completely turning your back on your own race really the answer?