Romeo Miller Under Fire For Posting Instagram Photo Of White Girlfriend
Yesterday, Romeo Miller embarked upon a mission to both troll and infuriate black women. His diabolical plan had several levels of troll traps, guaranteed to get a rise out of even the most docile of African-American Instagram activists.
Master P’s eldest son posted the above photo of his caucasian boo-thang along with the following caption:
That face you make when you take a selfie w/your white gf and you thinking about all the racist comments that’s bout to be under your comments 😂lol || Naw but really … just trying to show my boo @toneatam the city (since it’s her 1st time), but it’s cold as hell, I swear I’m not crying haha❄️ #NewYorkCity #IDontTakeSocialMediaSerious #JustLive #InterracialDatingIsOk #Its2015 #IJustLoveWomen
Interracial dating, caping for his melanin-deficient lady, hate bait hashtags…the stage was set for uproarious comedy in his comments.
Let’s explore them further, shall we? Flip the page…
Image via Instagram